So the other day I am at my local supermarket here in Aberdeen, Scotland, and I go to buy (among other things) some blueberries (mmm…… blueberries…..). Here in the UK they always write where the fruit is from, and lo and behold, these blueberries happen to be from Canada! See below:

Now I must say I never thought Canada would be known for exporting blueberries, I thought we just exported arctic ice and maple syrup. This, however, gives me one more reason to be proud to be Canadian, to have a little more sparkle in my eye when I say “my accent is not American, it is Canadian” when people here mistake me to be from “below the 49th”; it gives me the strength I need to endure here in this country with
Haggis and
deep-fried Mars bars; it keeps me warm at night and keeps the bad dreams away when I am all alone on an offshore platform in the middle of the ocean. I am all the more PROUD to be CANADIAN. I AM CANADIAN.
Umm, okay, end of beer commercial. But really, I miss Canada, can’t wait to be back and see you all there. Oh, and the blueberries were delicious.
posted by Wiktor at 21:12
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