Words from Wik

Sharing my Experiences

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wiktor Goes to Court, pt 1

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while, and now that I have something to write about I may as well go ahead with my plans. So here goes, my first entry.

On the break between Christmas 2006 and New Year’s, I got a ticket leaving downtown, going northbound on Center Street. The limit there is an “un-posted 50”, and I was unfortunately clocked at 79. That’s 29 over, which got me a ticket of $172 that comes with 3 demerits (interestingly enough, I was 2 km/h away from getting the next category of ticket which comes with 4 demerits).

As I’ve done in the past, I went to the First Appearance Center to try to get the charge lowered to something with no demerits. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible, and I can vouch for that. The best deal they could give me was to halve the fine and give me two demerits by changing the charge to speeding 14 km/h over.

Now let me back up for a bit. Before I went to the first appearance center, I talked with one of my coworkers about the ticket, and he said he would give his lawyer friend a call. Long story short, I got some advice about what to do when taking the ticket to court.

So as I’m sitting there contemplating taking the lowered charge, I think about the plan I had going in: to me, the fine is negligible; I know I did something wrong and I will pay the fine as a consequence. The story with demerits is different; they go on my record and potentially raise my (already demoralizingly high) insurance. So my plan was to take nothing less than zero demerits. Being faced with 2 vs. 3 makes no difference to me, both go on my record, so I tell them I mean business and decline the deal. A court date is set for March.

Notice of Trial

posted by Wiktor at 11:49  

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hello world!

Hey Everyone! This blog is a new addition to my site, I’m hoping to write things here regularly. I will also be updating my actual site and perhaps moving some of the content from there into this blog. In the meantime you can still see my site here. Enjoy!

posted by Wiktor at 10:44  

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